Brand reputation is how the public audience perceives a company or an organization. Picture a high school cafeteria where you are surrounded by a variety of cliques sitting at different tables. Except, in this case, the cliques are organizations and brands that are socially ranked. You want your brand to be the popular one. You want your brand to last for as long as possible. All this comes with a stable and positive brand image.
What Makes a Good Reputation?
So, the question is, what are the standards to meet to attain a positive reputation? Here are some tips and tricks below.
Fulfilling Customer Expectations
Customers are the lifesavers of the business world. For a business to succeed, it needs to fulfill the expectations of its customers. The most common expectations are fair pricing and quality service. According to Salesforce, customers have many expectations such as personalization, innovation, data protection, and personal connections. Bonus points for not automatically understanding their needs and desires! Exceeding customer expectations will allow your business to gain loyal customers rather than lose them to your competition.
Heeding Customer Feedback
Taking feedback with a pinch of salt will create a solid foundation between the business and the customer. Not all businesses have a stable reputation. A lot of businesses go through rough patches because they are not willing to accept constructive feedback. According to Entrepreneur, in life, you will have goals to achieve both personally and professionally. These cannot be achieved without some type of guidance which comes via constructive feedback from your boss, parents, and senior managers. As a business, accepting feedback is not a bad thing. It’s a chance for you to improve your brand. Rejecting feedback is like not allowing yourself to feel better after you catch the flu. You want to embrace feedback in a positive manner so that your business can soar rather than fall.
Honesty is the Best Policy
Customers want honesty. The truth may not always be a bed of roses, but it is important for the customers to know the downsides of the product or service. According to Forbes, “telling the truth enables you to work with them to make the best decisions and find the best outcomes, based on their resources and priorities.” Honesty will prevent the customer from feeling cheated by your brand. This goes hand-in-hand with valuing your customer. A dishonest experience is a lifelong memory that never leaves you. One bad review can spread like wildfire and destroy your reputation. You want your brand to stay alive for as long as possible.
The Best Way to Beat Haters is to IGNORE THEM!
Achieving a positive reputation is like winning a Grammy. According to Forbes, “your online customer service can make or break your business.” Social media is both a blessing and a curse for an organization. It can either ruin the reputation or make it better. Customers are always active on social media. It is used for writing reviews, voicing concerns and complaints, and directly messaging organizations about queries. Positive comments can be acknowledged by simply hitting the “like” button.
On the other hand, negativity can sometimes be a challenge. When it comes to the professional side of things, critics may have good constructive feedback. However, some might just post negative comments for the sake of getting attention. This is when you can just simply ignore them by either blocking them or by hiding the comments. Facing negativity is part of the job. You can’t escape it. The reality is that the world is full of competition. Everyone wants to be better than everyone else around them.
Engaging Your Customers with PxidaCX’s Surveys
PxidaCX is a customer engagement platform that can help improve your customers’ experience of your business. This survey tool allows a brand to evaluate its relationship with customers through feedback. The feedback can be positive, negative, or neutral. This will help the brand improve every day.