For a long time now, organizations have believed that remote working is simply unrealistic for employees to conform to. However, the pandemic changed everything. Overnight, thousands and thousands of workers transferred from full-time onsite working employees to full-time remote workers. As a business, it is imperative to recruit the “perfect fit” for your company. Does that person need to be a full-time employee? Yes and no. Does that person need to be a part-time employee? Yes and no. Before making any hiring decisions or decisions to accept a position, let’s dive into finding the differences between the two types of employees.
What’s the Difference Between Part-Time and Full-Time Employees?
A typical workday is a minimum of eight to nine hours, five days a week. Part-time employees work fewer than 30 hours per week, whereas full-time employees work more than 30 hours per week, usually between 35 and 50 hours weekly. Depending on the organization they work for, the working hours are decided by the employer.
Advantages of Part-Time versus Full-Time Employees
Full-Time Employees
Every employee and employer ask the same question “What’s in it for me?” For employers, this results in increased loyalty and productivity, respectively towards the organization and the employee’s job. On the other hand, for employees, a full-time job will result in a stable and steady income. Working employees have the desire to be financially secure. Financial security is the most attractive element in an employee. It gives the employee personal and professional peace of mind for a stable present and future.
Another major benefit of a full-time job is the entitlement to paid leave. We all acknowledge that there is a world beyond the walls of the office space. Many employees, especially ones that are fresh out of college, have the misconception that taking vacation time will impact their colleagues or their job evaluations. This is, of course, not true. Taking a vacation shows that you have a sense of work-life balance. As a hard-working employee, you need time to reset and relax. This is what vacations are for.
So, what’s in it for the employer? The answer is loyalty. Employers want their employees to stick around for as long as possible. Having a career is an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Employees want to keep stepping up the ladder. According to Indeed, “employees view their job as a long-term investment.” Working at a company for a long period of time will allow you as an employer to invest your time in your employees. It gives you a chance to focus on their strengths so that you can utilize them accordingly to benefit the company’s growth. The best thing about working a full-time job is that companies often offer on-site professional training opportunities and workshops to help employees continue to learn and grow.
Part-Time Employees
On the other hand, there are enough perks about being a part-time employee and hiring a part-time employee. In general, part-time employment includes anyone working from one hour to as long as thirty-five hours a week, in a permanent position. Flexibility is the biggest advantage for part-time employees because they can take on shifts at a time where full-time employees don’t need to be around. This can also allow them to manage responsibilities outside of work such as taking care of children or being a student. As a student, it is a fantastic opportunity to gain experience in the working world, especially when you’re doing it in high school or college. You get a chance to see what exactly you signed up for in your desired field of interest and expand your knowledge even more.
From an employer’s perspective, part-time employees are cost-effective. Rather than being paid a monthly salary, part-time employees are paid hourly wages instead. Another major benefit would be the employees themselves. Any new employee, including a part-time employee, can provide a fresh perspective on projects and assignments that the company is focused on. Not only that, companies need diversity in their organization. Employing people who come from a variety of backgrounds, including race, educational background, and abilities provides a wide range of perspectives for your business and will surely impact your workforce in a positive way.
Disadvantages of Part-Time versus Full-Time Employees
Full-Time Employees
Full-time work may have its benefits, but it also has its drawbacks. Full-time employees have the tendency to work long and stressful hours, which, from time to time, results in burnout. The sad truth is that more hours means more responsibility and less flexibility. With all burdens on their shoulders, employees will end up getting tired of their job. The feeling of constant exhaustion and overwhelm can affect an employee’s mental health and could possibly demotivate them from coming back to work the next day or even the following day.
Another drawback of a full-time job would be being too comfortable in your current position. Employees need to be able to grow in their career path, even if it means moving on to a new job. There is no doubt that eventually, a job turns into a monotonous, repetitive routine. This can lead to a stagnant and disinterested workforce, a lack of enthusiasm to move forward, and an uninspired career.
Even employers can lose interest from time to time because some employees can turn resentful towards their job. This could lead to high turnovers and less retention. Let’s face reality. Employers do not want to lose their best people. To change that, they must keep their employees motivated to come back to work every day. According to Quora, “it all boils down to flexibility and support.” This means having effective one-on-one meetings, positive company culture, and generally taking an interest in the employee’s work.
Part-Time Employees
Part-time work can be a blessing, but at the same time a curse as well. The biggest drawback about part-time work is that there are no benefits and a low pay rate. Because the turnover rate is considerably high, your business will not be as stable as you want it to be. For example, if you end up hiring a college student, they will eventually graduate and move on to their next adventure. When they do, you will need to find a replacement as soon as possible so that your business can be stabilized again. Another drawback is the lack of relationships. Part-time employees do not spend as much time in the office in comparison to full-time workers. This makes it hard for them to build networks and connections for their future endeavors. To resolve this, employers can hold regular team meetings so that they can feel as much as part of the organization as full-time employees.
How to Decide If You Need Part-Time or Full-Time Employees?
Based on all the above information, how does an organization decide whether they need a part-time or full-time employee? Honestly, the team’s work and responsibility make the decision for you. Depending on the work a team or department is doing, they’ll need different types of employees to support their combined efforts. The most important thing is that the employee needs to feel valued, invested, and respected if the organization wants them to succeed in the organization.
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