Having the ability to manage yourself is a great skill to develop and maintain as a working professional. According to Indeed, “self-management is an important part of successfully completing your tasks with little or no supervision.” There are so many factors that are out of an employee’s control at work, such as difficult bosses, too much work, not enough time, limited resources…etc. A lot of the time, it’s every human for themselves. Focusing on factors that are not within your control isn’t the wisest course of action. The best thing to do is to focus on the things that are in your control, which are you and your own responsibilities and obligations. This blog will give you tips and trick on how to manage yourself at work during challenging circumstances.
Hold Yourself Accountable
The only person that is responsible for you is you. Holding yourself accountable will allow you to take charge of your workload. According to Indeed, “accountability means taking responsibility for the completion of your tasks and motivating yourself to fulfill your objectives when you’re feeling distracted or unfocused.” Holding yourself accountable shows your teammates and leaders that they can trust you. When your teammates come to you for help, they have the expectation that you are the reliable source to turn to when the time comes. Accountability also involves admitting to your wrongdoings and mistakes. Should things go awry, the right thing to do is to take responsibility for your actions.
Be a Problem Solver
Problems are inevitable, but not unsolvable. Work is not always a bed of roses. The key to being a great problem solver is to have a can-do, flexible attitude. Actively practicing problem-solving skills will prepare you for any situation of conflict. When a conflict occurs, the best thing to do is to stay calm and not let your emotions get the best of you. When you come across a problem, keep the following questions in mind:
- Whose problem is it?
- Why did this problem occur?
- What’s the best-case scenario? Worst-case scenario?
- Is there a back-up plan?
These four questions will allow you to think on your feet without panicking and come up with a solution to the problem at hand. It’s never a good idea to dwell on questions like, “why didn’t they meet the deadline?” Instead, find an answer to a question like, “what I can do to help speed up this process so they can meet the deadline?” Don’t lose focus when presented with a problem. Be a team player instead, and help to solve it.
Check In with Yourself
No matter what, you come first. Work is a never-ending journey. Checking in with yourself allows you to reflect on your own needs and necessities every day. This helps you step back and check in with your current state of mind. It’s important not to judge yourself during this time. According to the Economic Times, “Only a well-planned lifestyle with adequate personal time can fulfill these. Working round the clock causes stress, poor health, and burnout.” We get so caught up with all kinds of workplace scenarios that we forget to understand that it’s okay to step back and take time for ourselves.
Be Open to Change
Adaptability is a great plus point that hiring managers look for in a candidate. Change doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Sometimes things just don’t work out. According to Indeed, “It’s important to not get too attached to your habits or methods so that you can shift your focus, technique or system to better serve your goals.” Building your self-awareness skills can help you identify areas in your routine that could use a change for the better. This could include your work schedule, daily routine, the way you interact with your teammates, your work ethic, approach towards assignments…etc.
Create Boundaries
Many employees don’t realize that it’s okay to politely say “no” and set boundaries at work. Setting boundaries from day one is a great way to prevent distractions throughout your workday. Aside from co-workers, boundaries can also include scheduling your breaks and taking time to handle personal issues, while getting work done. According to the Harvard Business Review, “you need to explain to friends, family, and other acquaintances that the days you’re working remotely aren’t opportunities for non-work-related activities.” Friends and family will always be a distraction. In these types of scenarios, it is a good idea to be away from common gathering areas so that you can peacefully attend to your responsibilities.
Supporting Employees Along Their Workplace Journey
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