For any organization, there are two key surveys used for gaining employee feedback – onboarding and exit surveys. In any employee survey, you need to ask the right questions to get measurable data. The right questions will get you the right answers. Bonus points for the survey being anonymous so that employees can freely speak their minds without worrying about any repercussions. The goal of your employee survey is not just to help you solve problems, but to also compliment you on your efforts to keep the employees happy and loyal. Based on all this information, what questions make up a good employee survey? Let’s find out!
Identify Core Themes
Employee surveys consist of many topics including reasons for employee engagement outcomes, manager effectiveness, communication and resources, change management, individual needs, team dynamics, trust in leadership, and the future of the company. Questions related to these topics provide feedback for the organization to improve and improve their support system for their employees.
Strategically Make Questions Mandatory
Respondents shouldn’t feel forced to respond to longer or more complex or personal questions. It is better, for such questions, to make them optional or give an option of either “Not Applicable” or “Prefer Not to Answer”. An example of such a situation would be the question of gender identification. Some respondents don’t necessarily feel comfortable with exposing their gender identification publicly. This is when the “Not Applicable” or “Prefer Not to Answer” option comes in handy. Such options show that you care about your employees and don’t have any desire to force any information out of them. This will give you the opportunity to build a level of trust with the survey taker.
Keep Questions Neutral
When you create your survey, you want to keep the tone as neutral as possible. A biased or leading tone is not the best tactic to present your survey to a public audience. Being neutral in your survey shows that you are open to any and all feedback from your employees. Including an opinion in the question itself prompts the respondents to not give their full and honest feedback because they might think you’re looking for a specific answer. An example of a neutral question would be “On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate our workplace culture?” Questions like this can help respondents provide a clear response on how they feel about the organization they work in.
Have Options for Multiple Languages
English may not be the first language for your employees. Having the option to change the language of the survey makes life much easier for the survey taker. Put yourself in the shoes of the survey taker. The person taking the survey needs to feel relaxed and de-stressed. Having the flexibility of translation for both survey taker and survey builder is necessary in our increasingly global and multicultural world. This will allow the survey taker to truly and fully express exactly how they feel about the organization they work for.
Gauging PxidaEX with Employee Experience
Want to see survey responses come to life? Want to know how your employee truly feel? Sign up for PxidaEX now to ensure happiness and loyalty for your employees.